It's the week between Christmas and New Years. This is always a week for catching up at work at a relaxing pace and taking a little time for me and Suzy. Christmas shopping is behind us. There is no pressure to plan dinners or attend social events. Now it's more about kicking back for a few days and enjoying each other's company. Well, maybe a few Bowl games this weekend and may be cat nap here and there. Mostly though, this time is about relaxation and reflection.
The year 2017 has been a pretty great year. All of the family members are now healthy. We even had a new arrival this month and another to come shortly after the new year.
Russel doesn't look happy!!! |
We "Boomers" are approaching that age where we start thinking about retirement. Chris has already taken the plunge and now the firefighter in the family has decided it is time to start his new adventure shortly after the new year. Congratulations Dan!
I have been thinking about retirement for the past 30 years. I'm quite sure I will still be thinking about it after the next 30!!!
We are still a house divided when it comes to our in-state sports rivalries. As you can see it permeates all facets of our lives. The Elf on the Shelf invited friends from both camps. It was a tough year for the Wolverines this year. We had a pretty good season going into the big game then got taken to the cleaners by the Spartans. Oh the pain of it all. I would say, "there's always next year" but that hasn't been a sure thing lately. I know a few people that have been pretty please about that fact.
My golf game started out pretty rocky this year but showed signs of improvement as the summer drew on. I got a chance to play with Jack and Max (a friend of Jack's) at Arcadia Bluffs this fall and what a treat that was. I placed third both days and spent most holes playing catch up after our tee shots. However, I got my licks in every now and again. I am really hoping we can repeat the event in 2018 and make it a foursome with Mike coming with us. Unfortunate timing kept that from happening this year. Maybe if Mike attends, I can share the spotlight of finishing behind Jack and Max.
The New Year is upon us and my prayer for all is that we stay healthy, wealthy and wise. Well, if I can accomplish the first two, I'll be happy. May God hold you in the palm of his hand and keep all of you safe and secure.May you also realize God's plan for you and that in doing so you live a purposeful life filled with joy.
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