Saturday, April 2, 2011

Libya, really???

Note to our government; in this case our enemies enemy is not our friend. We are now going to fund Al-Qaeda operations? You know there will come a time when we realize that we provided weapons to Libyan rebels that are used against our own forces in other parts of the world. Mark my words, it will happen. The rebellion has already been hijacked by extremists. Are we really choosing the lesser of two evils here?

I am all for the concept of being a world super power and having some responsibility for standing up for the little guy. We have done that all my life and it is one of the things I admire about this country. I am not sure our motives have always been philanthropic, none the less they have generally served our best interests in the process. In the case of Libya, I am not sure that is the case. This appears to be a lose-lose for the United States. Surely there must be someway to help the mass of people that were about to be are threatened by Gaddafi without funding Al-Qaeda rebels.

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