Friday, July 27, 2007

Prayers for a Friend

A little over 6 years ago I quit smoking. I had tried so many times to quit and had almost resolved that I would never be able to do it and that whatever ravages smoking would take on my body was just going to have to happen. Then I met a gal who got me involved in the American Lung Associations program to quit smoking. Lo and behold, it worked for me. She then led me to the Quit Smoking Journals for ongoing support and the rest as they say is history.

Unfortunately the story doesn't end there. My friend has now contracted lung cancer. She has quit smoking and the demon still found her after all these years. So....... I, and hopefully anyone who reads this, will offer up a prayer for my friend. Let's pray the prayer that never fails: "Let God's will be done!"


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Our Government in Action

Anybody listen to Frank Beckman on WJR this morning? I listened to him discuss the Farm Bill with Rep. Tim Walberg. Sometimes I think our Democratic Leadership is nothing shy of devious. There appears to be no integrity there at all!! In discussing the Farm Bill, Rep. Walberg noted how the Democratic Leadership - after committing to NOT add any tax increases to the bill - placed additional taxes in it that would effectively choke any foreign corporations that have operations in this country. Rep. Walberg stated that it would increase certain tax expenditures to these corporations by 600%.

Can you imagine what that would do to any business? At a minimum it is a violation of certain treaties that the US has in place, it would also under reciprocity likely incur similar taxes on US corporations doing business in those foreign countries. At its worst, it would jeopardize over 5.1 million jobs in the US and over 250,000 in Michigan alone.

Understand, this is a farm bill and the tax increase was put on manufacturers. Understand also that 66% of this Farm Bill goes to covering food stamps and nutrition programs.

I really believe the Democrats are moving closer and closer to socialism and we are all going to pay for it unless we stay ever vigilant.

On a lighter note, Rep. John Conyers continues to waste our tax dollars on why federal prosecutors will released. Oh well, we continue to elect these people.

By the way, people talk about the Presidents approval rating. Did you know the approval rating of Congress in general is 14%!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't we change this and vote these fools out????

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

All Night Session

My bad but somehow I missed reading about all the good stuff that came out of the all night session that our legislators pulled. Did I miss that or was it really just a huge PR campaign?

By the way, the weather in Michigan has been fantastic. If you haven't been here to take advantage of it, shame on you. No better place on the planet to live and work.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Gas Prices

Am I the only one that thinks gas prices are artificially inflated by about $1.00 per gallon? When I look at the cost of crude oil and the cost for refining and distribution, I don't see the increase that has warranted this pricing. Sure, I recognize that Katrina and some of the other natural disasters took a bite out of refining and distribution systems but at $1.00 per gallon increase X the number of gallons sold in the past two years, I think they could have rebuilt the entire infrastructure by now.

And of course there is now the whole ethanol thing taking place. The price of corn and other vegetables are going up. Corn due to the increased demand and the opportunity for windfall profits and other vegetables because farmers are dedicating more land to corn and leaving a shortage of available farmland for these other crops. We end up paying on both ends. That's just great!!!!!

I really had hoped ethanol would be a low cost alternative to gasoline. Cheaper and cleaner; what could be better? But no, soon ethanol will be as expensive or more expensive than gasoline just because of the "supply and demand" concept. What a crock! I will just continue to by gas for my car. No incentive for me to upgrade to a flex vehicle.

Ever ask yourself who is making all the real profits? I guarantee that it is not the station owner or the crude oil folks or the refiners. Who then? Question, isn't oil traded as a commodity? Think about it!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Northern Michigan

Loverly and I just returned from a nice long weekend in Northern Michigan and I have to admit that there is no better place on the planet. We played golf at Arcadia Bluffs (one of the finest and most beautiful golf courses in the country) and spent a few relaxing days in a comfortable and laid back atmosphere. I hope everyone makes the time to get to Northern Michigan and enjoy the experience.