Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life Can Sneak Up On You

How many times have you heard of a couple who couldn't have children and suddenly they are pregnant and expecting one of life's little miracles? Or how about the person that goes to a casino and a single pull nets a huge and unexpected sum of money?

Of course life doesn't always deal you the proverbial good hand. Sometimes you are dealt a hand you really have to play all the way to the final card and hope you hit the straight flush. Such is the case with my business partner and close friend. A short four months ago while on a business trip, my friend noticed a slight disconnect in his motor skills. At the advice of his doctor, he went to the emergency room of a local hospital and suddenly he is fighting lung cancer that has metastasized to his brain.

Now, there are a lot of ways a person could react to that kind of news. I have thought long and hard about what my mindset would be like after receiving that bit of information. Granted, for me it is only speculation but I am not the courageous type. Not like my friend who has faced this squarely and decided he would not let it define him.

I don't pretend to know the intimate details of what he and his wife go through on a daily basis or the moments they share thinking about treatment options, the effects of medications and what lies ahead, but I do know that they have a plan and are implementing it courageously.

They are controlling input and keeping it to a select group. They aren't looking for a pity party. They are looking for positive feedback and support and they are getting it.

Courage, strength, poise, class and a lot of faith in a Higher Power, that is what drives my friend and his wife. All great qualities and all qualities that I hope someday someone will use to describe my character. My hat is off to them and I love them both dearly.

Pray for them as I do. Pray the prayer that never fails; let God's will be done.