Never acquire all your pets in the same time period! My wife and I picked up a cat from a shelter, were given a cat from a friend and purchased a dog for my son all in a span of 2 years. Now it seems life has decided that we are going to lose them all in an even shorter time frame. In August we lost our oldest cat due to a variety of illnesses but mostly kidney failure. On Saturday, November 3rd we had to put down our dog. Freebie was a beagle/German short hair mix and maybe the smartest dog I have ever known. This dog even learned hand signals when she lost her hearing 2 years ago.
In addition to being a smart dog, she was my wife's true companion. I know what you are thinking, we got the dog for my son. True, but the dog always was my wife's best friend and of course when my son moved to Colorado, the dog stayed with us.
Freebie was nearly 15 years old and has had some health issues over the last few years. She has been a real trooper though and fought to the last. Early this month she slowed down considerably and on a Saturday several weeks ago, we took her in to the Vet and found out she had a mass in her abdomen that was now bleeding severely. We spent some time with her at the Vets and then stayed with her as she fell into everlasting sleep.
We now have one cat left and it is obvious that she misses the other two. Her eating habits have changed, she is talking up a blue streak and losing weight. Needless to say we are watching her closely because we really don't want to lose our third and last friend.
I have had pets all my life but these three pets have been more like children to my wife and me. The cat we lost in August, Kitty, was with us for 18 years and Abbie, our surviving pet is 17 this year. With Freebie having been with us for 15 years, it has been hard to lose them.
We have talked about getting another dog but our biggest fear is what affect that will have on Abbie. We will likely solicit advise from our Vet and see what his thoughts are.
Just a word about our Veterinarian - if you live within driving distance of Waterford, Michigan, you should take your pets to this place. The Veterinarian is Tyler Hutchinson and the Hospital is Pet Authority. The entire staff is absolutely the best in the business. They are caring professionals that have worked with us and our pets for years now and proven themselves to be some of the best practitioners of Veterinary medicine I have ever met. Dr. Hutchinson and his staff have become like family and helped us not only in the treatment of our pets but also in the grieving process. What a great group.
This is Freebie in her Lazy Boy recliner after a trip to the Vet.